Family Constellations System Therapy

Knowing your family story contributes to healing transgenerational Traumas.

Knowing your family story helps to heal transgenerational traumas. Storytelling is an essential component of the healing process after trauma. Understanding every detail of our story is important. Remember that my story is also about my family and ancestors. We have an inextricable connection to our ancestors, thus our story is a continuation of theirs.To …

Knowing your family story contributes to healing transgenerational Traumas. Read More »

Healing Trauma through Family Constellation systems therapy and Somatic experiencing.

  Have you bought my book yet?  My first book and one of many to come. This book is unique as my endorsers claim it. The book is titled Healing Trauma through Family Constellation Systems Therapy and Somatic Experiencing, grounded in Ancestral Wisdom from the Snail Clan of Tanzania. This book is being sold in Amazon …

Healing Trauma through Family Constellation systems therapy and Somatic experiencing. Read More »

Healing Trauma through Bodily Awareness and Ancestral Resources.

Healing Trauma through Bodily Awareness and Ancestral Resources.

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